Official Meets

To be allowed to meet up in greater numbers we can now organise official club meets. To be an official meeting the details must be shared on the Bulletin Board and all club members allowed to attend. A meet leader will be assigned (usually the person first posting the meet) who will be the main point of contact for the meet. If you would like to volunteer to be a meet leader or have any ideas for meets please contact a member of the committee.

Meet Leader Responsibilities

The Meet Leader is responsible for coordinating the meeting location and assisting anyone finding the venue. In addition they will also be required to remind everyone about:

  • Social distancing.
  • Hygiene measures – use of hand sanitiser; catch it, bin it, kill it; avoiding sharing equipment or food and drink.
  • Them contacting NHS England Test & Trace / NHS Wales Test, Trace, Protect should they become symptomatic after the activity, and also informing the organiser.
  • Them speaking with the leader/organiser if they feel uncomfortable with the procedures during the event.
  • You keeping a record of their contact details for contact tracing purposes, if requested to do so.

Attendance Numbers

To keep in line with government guidelines, the maximum number of participants is limited to 30 people. We will keep track of the number using the Bulletin Board. If you want to attend a meet you must reply on the Bulletin Board and the meet leader will confirm attendance. This list will be kept for 21 days in line with the BMC Guidelines.

Risk Assessments

The Meet Leader will be assisted in preparing a risk assessment for the meet. We will be using the BMC Template and this will be available from the COVID officer (Matthew Crawford).

Self Declaration

Before attending any meet you must be able to agree to the following:

Wording provided by Public Health Wales:

 I do not currently have symptoms of COVID-19 (new persistent dry cough, fever, loss of taste or smell)

 I have not had a positive test for COVID-19 or onset of symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 10 days. (Individuals who have completed their period of isolation (10 days) and have no remaining symptoms (other than a dry cough or loss of taste or smell which can last for some time) may return to normal activities)

 No member of my household has had symptoms of COVID-19 or has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days

 I have not been contacted by a contact tracer from the Test, Trace and Protect Programme and told to isolate in the last 14 days as a contact of someone with confirmed COVID-19

 I have not returned from a country outside of the UK in the last 14 days, other than those on the exempt list (

Further information