Wednesday Night Climbing – 17th May

The good weather for the start of the season has taken a turn, with rain forecasted for most of tomorrow.

Credit: Simon James
Despite a good turnout, the climbing was rather restricted last week at Penallta. A number of new members experienced their first multi-pitch climbing, whilst others aborted their climbing attempts due to the vegetation or broken glass.
The forecast is heavy rain in the east tomorrow continuing into the early evening, so we’ll be heading indoors. We’ll mainly be at Boulders (although some members head to the Summit Centre) from around 5:30pm and will probably stop for refreshments in the café at some point.
Credit: Peggy Hill
On what seemed to be the warmest day of the year so far, it was quickly decided that the evening’s climbing would be around Catacomb Gully at Mewslade.
Gwyn, always very generous with his time for beginners, led an ‘aspirant’ up an easy climb.
On “Rib and Crack” a rusty Gordon laced the climb with gear but climbed in excellent style and looked as though he really could think about pushing his grade a bit.
“The Jewel” is a climb worthy of its star and Steve, always climbing thoughtfully, relaxed and in control, mysteriously resorted to a ‘dog’.
Over on the under-rated Grey Wall, Jamie made an impressive ascent of “PMC II”. This sustained and definitely not loose climb leaves most HVS leaders gasping for breath at the top but Jamie despatched the route with ease.

Just before head torches were turned on, the group left for the King Arthur Hotel in Reynoldston. Conversation in the bar was so lively that no one noticed until 23.45 that it really was time to go home!


It is expected to clear up by the evening tomorrow, so the usual meet at Mike Davies Leisure in Upper Killay at 5.30pm.

New Members’ Day at Boiler Slab – 21st May

This second New Members’ Day at Boiler Slab is another chance for new and old members to meet. Absolutely everyone is welcome of any ability and any level of experience.

Those new to climbing will have the opportunity to second or top-rope a number of climbs.

For people who have climbed trad before, bring someone or get paired up with a fellow trad climber and pick some routes. For people who haven’t done much or not for a while or are feeling a little nervous, we will find you an experienced club member to partner with. For people who don’t have trad gear, there will be lots of people who will be happy to provide gear for you to try out.

We’ll be meeting at the Overton at 10am (Post Code SA3 1NQ). There will hopefully be sufficent parking in Overton, where additional parking has been arranged with a few locals, otherwise additional parking is available at Port Eynon car park (Post Code SA3 1NN). Please share cars whenever possible and be prepared to park at Port Eynon if there is no space at Overton, although there will be someone around to coordinate if this is the case. Further details are available on the club Bulletin Board or by contacting [email protected].

Upcoming Meets
The following meets are currently planned in the next month, details are on the Bulletin Board, along with a summary on the website.

– New Leaders’ Weekend at the Hut – 26th – 29th May
– Trip to Isle of Skye – 27th May – 3rd June
Please Contribute…
If you have any info, stories, trip reports or photos to include in this bulletin which can also be used on the website and social media, then send them to [email protected].

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