The SWMC Wiki is currently under review.
User:Tom Dudley
Tom Dudley
Some good photos there Tom. --Alan rosier 21:13, 25 July 2010 (UTC)
Cheers Alan, I've got them in fairly high res if you want to make topos from any of them. Tom Dudley 22:58, 25 July 2010 (UTC)
Chris Wyatt is your man.!--Alan rosier 10:22, 27 July 2010 (UTC)
I've decided to put up the high res versions of the photos I took and also the editable files of the topos I've done (either Inkscape or Paint.Net) so people can edit them if they want. Here it is: --Tom Dudley 17:04, 30 July 2010 (BST)
Good idea. --Alan rosier 21:52, 30 July 2010 (BST)
- Tom, it would be better if you were to upload the originals to the wiki and then make a page entitled, "Thumbnails Awaiting" - containing (you'd never guess) thumbnails of either 'works in progress' or 'completed topos'. In this way, folks are more likely to see them and more likley to get working. When finished they can be linked from the appropriate crag page. Space problem? We need to up our quota on the server! --Tim Hoddy 00:30, 31 July 2010 (BST)
- Yeah I agree (and to be honest I'd probably fall behind with keeping that mediafire page updated), I'm just thinking of terms of saving space. The shot I took of Giants Cave for example was about 20 photos stitched together (from a 10MP camera), which ended up being a 180MB file. Space isn't an issue for me on my desktop but I don't want to be uploading files of that size if server space is limited. Hows the server paid for by the way? Is it out of your own pockets or more through SWMC? --Tom Dudley 02:33, 31 July 2010 (BST)
Hmmm... 180Mb is a bit big. If an image is, say, over 10MB, then a small thumbnail and link to the mediafire d/load would do the trick. The SWMC pay for the site. We have a quota of 500MB but we are on 744MB at the moment! I would fear an imminent email but the blokes running running the server seem so laid back!
I've been thinking of a way of making the thumbnails page accessible but yet unobtrusive. We could have a small link from the bottom of the main page entitled, Development. That would take us to the developers' guide, thumbnails, photos wanted, list of suitable software, etc. Could even make it readable only by signed up users. Any thoughts? Alan, Tom, Chris, Steve, etc? --Tim Hoddy 09:57, 31 July 2010 (BST)
Continued on ..... Development....--Alan rosier 20:18, 31 July 2010 (BST)