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The Upper Crags are Non-Tidal. The Sea Level Crags are accessible between 1 and 3 hours either side of low water.
See individual crags
The crags overlook the beautiful Rhossili Bay and the Worms Head itself. They contain a good mixture of easy and hard routes. The sea level crags look small when the tide is, but this view proves decepetive as the tide recedes. The upper crags face west, whilst the sea-level crags are mainly north facing. The best area of the upper crags is the solid quarried wall of Trial Wall, containing mostly semi-equipped routes. At sea level there are a number of pleasant areas the best being The Platform Area and Poser Buttress.
Climbing on the Worms Head itself is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. To ignore this ban could jeopardise access to many other cliffs on Gower and it should be strictly adhered to. Climbing on the Worms Head Hotel probably would not go down too well with the landlord. Worse still you might disturb Turbo, Fester, Ronnie or worst of all, Chris Davies.
For a small fee it is possible to park in the farmers field at the end of the road leading into Rhossili village (GR 415881).
Walk south along the narrow private road past the National Trust Shop and coastguard cottages, in the direction of the Worms Head. Pass through the gate and continue along the gravel road until it takes a sharp left, where the stone wall and cliff edge are closest, this is just past a bench and gate in the stone wall. At this point turn right towards the cliffs and follow a path down, above wedge wall and leading to trial wall. The rest of the upper cliffs are reached by striking off south (left when facing seaward). The sea level cliffs can be reached by following the path down below Trial Wall and walking along the beach or from the short cuts noted below. Sheepbone Wall is directly below Trial Wall. Evening Wall lies directly below Lifebuoy Buttress. Yellow Zawn is down and south from Lifebuoy Buttress. The Secret is almost directly below the arete of An Audience of Sheep. The Platform is below and south of An Audience Of Sheep on Silent Fright Buttress. Kitchen Corner is reached by contouring from the end of the upper crags to drop down onto the beach by some rocky steps.
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