Photo by Lizy Mittell
On Saturday the 6th of April we’ll be shaking off the cobwebs of winter and heading to the beach where everyone, young and old, new members or veterans, can meet up for what will hopefully be an excellent day of climbing and socialising in the sun (fingers crossed).
The easiest parking for Three Cliffs is the National Trust car park in Southgate, about 15 minutes walk from the crag, and as low tide is at 2 pm and the crag is climbable for around 3 hours either side, we will be meeting at the car park about 10:30 before ambling Westwards along the clifftops to the beach.
The crag is a trad climbing crag, not bolted, so if you have a rack you’ll probably want to bring it.


New members are very much welcome to come along and find out what we’re all about but, if possible, please could you get in touch beforehand by e-mail on [email protected] so that we have some idea of numbers. Any questions can also be directed to this address and I’ll try my best to answer them.
A map to the car park can be found here
And details of the crag itself: