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Witches Cave
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Witches Cave

Myles Jordan repeating Phlegmatic Solution. Photo: Carl Ryan

Roy Thomas on his route, Little Wrasse Cull. Photo: Carl Ryan
From the boulder field at sea level is a newly developing area with some dramatic geological features
- open project
The chimney trad,belay and cleaning needed. - Cachau Hwch - Fr. 5
Pull onto a large platform to start the first of 3 routes. - Mewn Cachiad - Fr. 5
The second route off the platform - Diawl Bach - Fr. 6b+
Steep pulls gain the arete above the roof. Low in the grade. - Drewgi - Fr. 5b
Start below the platform, the chimney and corner. - Pwdin Blew Fr 6a+
Start just L of trad route,care at top needed just before staple belay as still damp and muddy. Will brush when dry. - 'project
Wet chimney trad in waiting. - closed project
Only holes to belay of Coc Oen 1.69m right of chimney. - Coc Oen - Fr. 6b*
Short corner leading to more downward sloping action with a sneaky handjamb. - Wnco Mwnco - Fr. 6b+ *
Tricky start off the narrow platform leads to juggy headwall. - Onco Fonco - Fr. 6b
Easy coral slab leads to steepening and undercuts with tricky move onto ledge. - Hen Gi - Fr. 6a+
After a steep crozzly start pull over the arete onto ledges and shared belay. - Triciau Newydd - Fr. 5
Start up the arete 1.69 m right of previous then pull up the hanging roof on big holds to shared belay on the left. - Pen Pidyn - HS,4b **
From the knobbly slab take a series of ledgy pulls to gain the crack through the roof. Top out onto ledge and shared belay with the following.
Witches' Cave
The following routes start left of the cave on black stratified rock after a short step up.
- 0. Blaidd Drwg - HS
The arete, topping out to bolt belay. Scramble back down or follow precarious grass path to the headland.
- 0. Blaidd Drwg - HS
- Rabbit From The Hat - V.Diff
Take the most continuous line up the left retaining wall of the bay. - Fatman And Nob In - Fr 3+
Try hard not to walk up the corner,don't use the creaky dinnerplate,two twizzles. - Gay Batman - Fr. 5
Second line of bolts(hangers). Use twin P-bolts on ledge to lower-off. - Robins Yoghurt Supper - Fr. 5 *
Shares a lower-off with the next route. - Abra-Ker-Fucking-Dabra - Fr. 5+ *
Climb into the V-corner beneath the roof and escape to the right. - Sorcerer's Assistant - Fr. 6a+
Take care with slippery rock down low and loose rock above the ledge. - Magic Circle - Fr. 6a+
Has similar health warnings to the previous route if you happen to be here when these conditions prevail i.e high humidity or if low tide is before 3pm when the sun hits the crag. - Smoke and Mirrors - Fr. 6b **
An excellent steep route. Move quickly leftwards around the hanging arete and climb with interest to the ledge and a flake filled groove line above. - Great Expectorations - Fr. 6b **
The stepped roof 3m right joining the top groove Pthegthorga Phlem.BB.11.345m. - Phlegmatic Solution - Fr. 6c
Steep start leads to headwall after crossing the groove. - Pthegthorga Phlem - E2, 5a
Just left of Evil Ways, Bridgend Steve's route up the chossy groove. Loose. Are you sold on this one? 12m
And now into the cave proper: - Evil Ways - E5, 6b/c (Fr. 7b) *
A superbly technical proposition. Start below the left-hand end of the main crag roof. Climb easily to the lip and using a footlock, reach over the roof, crux. Stand up and teeter up the ever so slightly slabby upper wall to a baffling final move. 15m - Evil K'nee Full - Fr. 7a+ **
Awesome, with a hilarious no hands rest for the short, involving a one leg knee bar at the lip. Start right of Evil Ways, below a prominent jug on the lip of the roof. Climb up to the roof and stretch to the jug. Turn the lip and stand up to a possible no hands head jam rest below the overlap. Move up a faint rib to a tricky crux move up for a sharp edge and finish through the v-groove in the roof. At this grade, possibly the biggest sand-bag in South Wales. 18m - Closed Project
Line of staples through the middle of the roof. - Open project
A line of old bolt studs and pegs over the right end of the roof - White Witch - E5, 6b
Pull over the roof as for Thin Lizzy or abseil into the little alcove at high tide., then traverse out above the lip, 2 PRs (rusted stumps). Step down following the weakness and then up to finish as for Evil k'nee full. 31m - Thin Lizzy - Fr. 6c+ **
Start below a corner at the right hand end of the roof. Pulling off the ground, is the crux. Once established on spikey holds, lay-away up the tricky crack to get established on the slab. Before reaching the roof, traverse left to the hanging v-groove. Finish over the roof with interest, taking care with some of the flakes. 18m - Wrasse Wipe - Fr. 6c
Starting up Thin Lizzie then going up obvious groove/corner. (Wrasse Wipe; because its often got a damp bottom).
To the Right of Thin Lizzie is an undercut wall of very spikey wave washed rock. This can be climbed even when wet due to the unbelievable friction and mostly solid embedded nobs of conglomerate. - Wrasse-putins Hypodermic Typewriter - Fr. 6b+
An exfoliating finger rub. Surmount the overhang on extremely sharp holds. Use same lower-off chain as Wrasse Wipe. - Didymo Clogs Your Tackle - Fr. 6b
More of the same with a long reach to the first substantial nob.. - Fishermen Pump Their Rods - Fr. 6a+
Even more of the same. - Wrasse Bandit - Fr. 6b+
More of the same, but harder. - Sore Wrasse - Fr. 6c
Even harder, but the same. - Wrassetafarian – Fr. 6b+ *
Much easier than it looks (i.e. the same). - Little Wrasse Cull - Fr. 6a
A lot easier than most hereabouts.Short boulder type route passing the thread(same old same). - Little Wrasse Turd - H.Severe,4b
Much easier but same old nob pulling with two good nuts after the first stiff pull. - Little Wrasse Tickler - H.Severe 4b
1.69m to the right pass a blue thread and faint crack where the angle soon eases. - Chateau LeFat 69 H.Severe 4b
Gain the spike above the faint hollow with guess what?-a stiff nob pull. - Fishermen Mash Their Bait - H.Severe
Nothing like the same as little nob pulling and an obvious left sloping crack with nuts involved. - The Bedraggled Trousered Misogynist - Fr. 5+
A real route at last.Two of life's greatest pleasures, bolts and nobs, above the lowest of the weed encrusted steps.
- R.Thomas R.Phillips 2017
- R.Thomas R.Phillips 2017
- R.Thomas Giles Davis 2017
- R.Thomas Giles Davis 2017
- R.Thomas E.T Jones 2017
- R.Thomas R.Phillips 30.08.2017
- R.Thomas G.Ashmore 10.09.2017
- R.Thomas E.T Jones 2017
- R.Thomas E.T Jones 2017
- R.Thomas solo 2017
- R.Thomas(solo) 1986
- R.Thomas (solo)Aug 2013
- D Emanuel, R. Thomas, R. Philips 28/06/2009
- D Emanuel, R. Thomas, R. Philips 28/06/2009
- D. Emanuel 2009
- R. Thomas R.Phillips R.Leyshon2009
- R. Thomas R.Phillips R.Leyshon2009
- R. Thomas R.Phillips 2009
- R.Thomas ET Jones 18/06/2013
- R.Thomas E.T Jones Myles Jordan
- S.James, E.Travers-Jones 00.00.1996
- M.Crocker 19.07.1986
- R.Thomas G.Ashmore 02.09.1996
- project closed
- project open
- R.Thomas, G.Royle 00.07.1986
- M.Crocker, R.Thomas 19.07.1986
- R. Thomas 2009
- D. Emanuel, R. Philips 28/06/2009
- R.Thomas, N. O'Neill 2007
- R.Thomas, M. Hirst 2007
- R. Thomas, G. Ashmore 2006
- G. Ashmore, R. Thomas 20061
- G. Ashmore 13.06.2009
- R.Thomas Myles Jordan july 2013
- R.Thomas solo 1986
- R.Thomas solo 1986
- N.O'Neill R.Thomas 06/08/2013
- R.Thomas solo 1986
- R.Thomas N.O'Neill 06/08/2013